Comprehensive Guide to the Cisco 100-490 Exam RSTECH

The Cisco 100-490 Exam RSTECH (Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices) exam is a critical certification for IT professionals who are involved in the support and maintenance of Cisco network devices. This exam serves as a fundamental steppingstone for those looking to establish themselves in the field of network support and administration. In this detailed guide, we will explore the exam’s structure, topics covered, preparation tips, and the benefits of obtaining this certification.

Overview of the Cisco 100-490 RSTECH Exam

The Cisco 100-490 RSTECH exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills required to support Cisco routers, switches, and other network devices. It is part of the Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching (CCT Routing and Switching) certification. This certification validates a technician’s ability to diagnose, restore, repair, and replace critical Cisco networking and system devices at customer sites.

Exam Details:

Exam Code: 100-490 RSTECH

Duration: 90 minutes

Number of Questions: Approximately 55-65 questions

Question Format: Multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and simulation-based questions

Passing Score: Cisco does not publicly disclose the passing score, as it can vary.

Languages Available: English

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but a foundational knowledge of networking concepts is recommended.

Exam Topics and Objectives

The Cisco 100-490 exam covers a wide range of topics to ensure that candidates have a comprehensive understanding of supporting Cisco network devices. Here are the primary domains and their respective objectives:

General Networking Knowledge:

Understand the basic concepts of networking, including OSI and TCP/IP models. Identify and describe the functions of various networking devices and components.

Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware: Recognize Cisco routing and switching devices and their accessories. Understand the operation and components of Cisco Integrated Service Routers (ISR) and switches. Identify cabling and interfaces for Cisco devices.

Cisco IOS Software: Describe the Cisco IOS Software, its features, and functionality. Understand the use of Cisco CLI commands to perform basic configuration and troubleshooting. Identify the steps and tools used for troubleshooting Cisco routers and switches Understand the procedure for opening a support case with Cisco TAC (Technical Assistance Center). Safety and Environmental Issues Follow safety procedures for working with Cisco devices. Understand the environmental factors that can affect network performance and device longevity.

    Preparation Tips

    Success in the Cisco 100-490 exam requires a solid study plan and hands-on practice. Here are some planning points to help you get started.

    Study the Cisco 100-490 Exam Blueprint:

    Begin by reviewing the official exam blueprint provided by Cisco. This archive layouts the topics covered in the exam and their various weightage.

    Use Official Study Materials:

    Cisco offers various study resources, including the CCT Routing and Switching Study Guide and Cisco Learning Network. These resources provide coverage of the exam topics.

    Hands-On Practice:

    Set up a home lab using Cisco routers and switches or use simulation tools like Cisco Packet Tracer. Practical experience is crucial for understanding device configurations and troubleshooting.

    Join Study Groups and Forums:

    Participate in online study groups and forums such as the Cisco Learning Network Community. Engaging with peers can provide valuable insights and additional study resources.

    Take Practice Exams:

    Use practice exams to appraise your knowledge and analyze areas for improvement. They help you become familiar with the exam format and time management.

    Attend Training Courses:

    Consider enrolling in official Cisco training courses, such as the Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices (RSTECH) course. These courses are led by experienced instructors and provide structured learning.

      Benefits of the Cisco 100-490 Certification

      Obtaining the Cisco 100-490 certification offers numerous benefits to IT professionals.

      Career Advancement:

      The certification validates your skills and knowledge, making you a more attractive candidate for job opportunities in network support and administration.

      Increased Earning Potential:

      Certified professionals generally order higher salaries compared to their non-certified peers.

      Recognition and Credibility:

      Earning a Cisco certification demonstrates your commitment to professional development and is recognized globally by employers.

      Access to Cisco Resources:

      As a certified professional, you gain access to Cisco’s extensive resources, including technical support and product documentation.

      Foundation for Further Certifications:

      The Cisco 100-490 certification serves as a steppingstone for more advanced Cisco certifications, such as the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and beyond.


        The Cisco 100-490 RSTECH exam is a valuable certification for IT professionals looking to specialize in supporting Cisco network devices. By understanding the exam structure, focusing on key topics, and utilizing the right preparation resources, candidates can enhance their skills and achieve certification success. This certification not only opens doors to new career opportunities but also establishes a solid foundation for further professional growth in the field of networking.

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